Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Over the course of a week I found myself mostly complaining about feeling tired, stressed, hungry, and having no free time. The solutions I came up with were to get more sleep, take on fewer responsibilities and bring healthier snacks to school. Bringing healthier snacks to school defiantly improved my mood because I felt better about what I was eating, so I would eat more and not be as hungry during the day. I did not however, implement the solution of giving up any of my responsibilities because I have already made commitments to various teams and groups promising my participation. I will admit that I also do not intend to make fewer commitments in the future because of the importance of the commitments I make. I dance and do theater to make myself happy, I work to pay for dance, and I give my best effort in school to earn good grades. My cramped schedule unfortunately means that I also cannot go to bed much before midnight without neglecting homework or studying. I unfortunately found that this exercise was not effective in significantly improving my level of happiness due to my inability to properly implicate the solutions I came up with to my life.

1 comment:

  1. Grade: A-) Smokey serves as a good reminder...nothing will make you as happy as those things that are priceless: laughter, love, joy, hugs, time with the people that matter the most. Realizing that, making it a priority or habitual part of life will go a long way to living a life well.
